Clearisk Core.Backoffice

Comprehensive solution for Trade Accounting Book of Records (ABOR).
Covering every aspect of the Trade Life Cycle

A true Backoffice System that actually calculates, validates and enriches trade flow for accounting, reporting & business decisions.

"The experience and knowledge of the Clearisk team and the Backoffice they have built with it over the past decade is unparalleled and detailed in post trade. We can depend on them everyday and in every situation."

Trade Capture

Receive fills, drop copies, status messages, allocations and confirmations at every stage.

Data Source Management
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Manage Multiple Data sources seamlessly
Out of the Box mapping libraries
Self Service field mapping
Scheduling & Cron Jobs

Data Types & Connections
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Flat Files
Fixed Drop Copies (FDC)
Manual Upload

Data Quality

Ensuring quality in equals equality out

Continuous Quality Control
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Data Validation
Customisable Sanity Checks
Alerts across teams
Price Deviation Alerts
Exchange specific gaps checks - CME Tag50

Trade Enrichment

Calculations and Value Add

Product & Instrument Data
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Notional Contract Valuations
Reference Contracts capability - TAS / TAM / BTIC
Special Contracts Logic - Electricity MWH, B3 DI1, ASX Treasuries
Key Risk Event Dates - FND/LTD/FPD etc
ISIN Mapping

Exchange Fees & Commissons
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Exchange Fees Golden Source Reference Library
Flexible Client Commission Schedule creation
Regulatory Fees
Brokerage & Platform Fees


P&L Calculations & Trade Actions

Matching & Trade Life Cycle Events
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Actions - Expiry/Exercise/Assignment/Delivery
Realised & Unrealised Profit & Loss Calculation
Matching FIFO
Mark to Market
Initial Margin
Event Notifications & Position Warnings

Accounting Books & Records

Generation Process to Financial Ledger (ABOR)

Overall Summary
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Multi Currency Client Ledgers
Journal Postings - Automated/ Recurring / Manual
Statements - Summary & Detail
Margin Deficit Notifications & Warning
MIS Reporting
Downstream System data delivery

Get Ready to Partner with Clearisk

Speak to us to arrange a demo & discuss how we can solve your Backoffice & Operational requirements